
Individual Sessions

Individual sessions are customized to your need – either to address general dissatisfactions or a specific point of work. The sessions are trauma informed and focused on bringing you back into your body and using the breath to access content which is hidden from the consciousness. We will map the dissatisfactions back to a sensation which we will then use as an access point. Sessions are an hour and do not include touch. Sessions are $150.

The work I offer draws from both Eastern philosophy and practices that have given me a spiritual view of the human, and the western modalities that offer a trauma and psychological basis into the same person. A session lasts about an hour. If there is the possibility to schedule for a time when you don't have to snap back and dive right into life/work that is best. The aim of the session is never cathartic, it is not intended to disorganize you, but it is always the best when there is time to integrate the experience, and to allow it to complete without needing to immediately rush back into the doer. Schedule the session for a time when you can best offer that yourself.

 There is a lot of variation to what actually happens inside a session, here is an interview with the founder of Somatic Experiencing, which is one of the modalities that I use during sessions, it might help to describe the work, and is just an interesting listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ7KU5BuNJs

 Essentially, we will do a few things; get in touch with the sensation present in the body, and build a connection with 'positive resources'. The delicate work is accessing a trauma without re-traumatizing the person through that contact. So the basic work of SE is to go slowly, to build up resources and a container in which the person gets more autonomy over their experience and then to enter in gradually, and to 'pendulate' between the difficult sensations and the pleasant sensations, so that a release can happen without the system getting overwhelmed. 

 We will also aim to understand what is happening, how it pertains to the discomfort happening, and to see if we can connect this present dissatisfaction with its origin in the past. We will also connect to the energetic aspects of the being.

 The way we do that will vary moment by moment. What you can expect is that we will talk, I will sometimes ask you to enter into the sensation in the body and report back to me, and sometimes will ask you to do things with the body which will either pendulate toward entering the discomfort, or to focus on the comfort or pleasure that exists in that moment. Sometimes we will speak about the past, or a recurring pattern in order to give context for the sensations and to help the mind to organize the information arising. All of what we do will be aimed at slowly releasing the 'knot' that the energy is in, so that it can be assimilated. 

 There might be work with the breath, or we'll move the body or do exercises to work with boundaries. Most of what we will do will be very slow. It is usually an ongoing process. What I usually suggest for those who have never worked with me is to start with one session, so that you have the ability to choose whether or not it feels appropriate for you to continue. It's important to know that this is not a fireworks method, you won't be healed of a trauma that you have been carrying for decades in a session. It's best to check in before committing and feel how you are afterward, and see how your boundaries and trust feel. In general the work is between ten sessions, and a continued weekly work that can go on indefinitely, depending on what the client is looking for. 

 On the technical side, usually the session is booked when the payment is made, and this can be done through PayPal, Venmo, or in cash, and then when it's time for the session I will send you a zoom link, and ask that you have a set up which allows me to see your face clearly, as well as the top half of your body. It's helpful to be comfortable, and that you can sit in such a way that both feet rest comfortably on the floor. It's also very important that you be in a quiet, contained space where no one can hear you, and there will not be any interruptions. 

 Please let me know if you have any other questions. 

 Sessions can be held via Skype or Zoom.


To learn more or to schedule a session please contact pathoftantra@gmail.com